請選擇捐款額 Please choose a donation amount:

Personal Info

你需要加拿大退稅收據和優惠 Do you need Canadian tax refund receipts
上方的姓名與政府退稅時使用的「不符」,為要獲取退稅優惠,您需要在此填寫法定姓名(Legal Name)

If the name above does not match the one used for government tax refunds, in order to obtain tax refund benefits, you must fill in your legal name here.
你會否出席健步行 Will you participate in walkathons ? Required
健步籌款地點 Walkathon Location Required
同意免責聲明 Agree to Participant Waiver and Release of Liability Required


我明白參加活動涉及風險,包括但不限於摔倒的風險、與其他參與者接觸的風險、與天氣相關的風險以及與道路和交通狀況相關的風險。 我願意自己承擔與參加活動相關的所有風險和危險。

我聲明我身體狀況良好及適合參加此活動,身體上並無任何損傷、疾病或缺陷可能影響本人參與和無法完成活動。 我瞭解在參加活動期間,我應對自己的安全和健康負全部責任。






Participant Waiver and Release of Liability

In consideration of being allowed to participate in the Walk For You Fundraising walk/run Event I, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree to the following:

I understand that participation in the Event involves risks, including but not limited to the risk of falls, contact with other participants, weather-related risks, and risks associated with road and traffic conditions. I assume all risks and hazards associated with my participation in the Event.

I represent that I am physically fit and adequately trained to participate in this Event. I understand that I am solely responsible for my own safety and well-being while participating in the Event.

I, for myself and my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, hereby waive, release, and discharge VCCSTM, its officers, directors, employees, volunteers, sponsors, and agents from any and all claims, liabilities, or causes of action arising out of or related to my participation in the Event, including but not limited to any injury, illness, or death that may occur.

I agree to abide by any decision of Event officials concerning my ability to participate in the Event safely, and I further agree that Event officials may authorize necessary emergency treatment for me in the event of injury or medical emergency.

I grant permission to Vancouver Chinese Christian Short Term Mission Training Centre to use my name, likeness, image, and/or voice in any photographs, videotapes, recordings, or any other record of this Event for any purpose without compensation or further notice.

I have read and fully understand this waiver and release of liability, and I voluntarily agree to its terms.

備註 Remark
1) 加拿大以外的捐款者,如未能以信用卡成功捐款,可在Billing Address填寫募款者的加拿大地址及電話,或填寫短宣中心的地址, Unit 110, 12830 Clarke Place, Richmond, B.C., Canada,V6V 2H5

Country: Canada
Address: Unit 110-12830 Clarke Place
City: Richmond
Province: British Columbia
Zip / postal code: V6V 2H5

2) ^ 由於您的捐款乃使用「信用咭」支付,按銀行定規,您必須在上方填寫First name,Last name兩個欄位;而我們會傳送「電子收據」通知您成功募款,故Email同樣必須填寫(無論您是否剔了這選項Make this an anonymous donation)。

3) 以下Billing Details 凡顯示「 *」號等欄位,都必須填入資料,系統才會受理捐款,多謝您的體諒與合作。
1) For donors outside Canada who cannot donate successfully with a credit card, please use the following address and phone number in the Billing Address section: Unit 110, 12830 Clarke Place, Richmond, B.C., Canada, V6V 2H5
Phone: 604-273-0223

Country: Canada
Address: Unit 110-12830 Clarke Place
City: Richmond
Province: British Columbia
Postal Code: V6V 2H5

2) Since your donation is made via credit card, bank regulations require you to fill in the First Name and Last Name fields. We will send an e-receipt to notify you of the successful donation, so please provide your Email, even if you select the option to make this an anonymous donation.

3) All fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the Billing Details section must be completed for the system to process your donation. Thank you for your cooperation.
Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Billing Details

Here's what you're about to donate:
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Donation Total

Donation Total: $20.00